• 2294 reviews
Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller
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Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller
Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller

A Comprehensive Review of the Top-Rated Chrome Extension for Business Productivity

As we delve into the realm of productivity apps for Chrome , one extension stands out with an impressive aggregate rating of 4.45 out of 5. This chrome productivity app is a top extension aimed at productivity enhancement and notably, organizing daily tasks . It's not just a productivity tool, but a means to streamline your workflow and optimize your business operations effectively.

Unpacking the Outstanding Features

This chrome productivity extension changes scrolling on pages loaded by HTTP and FTP to a delightful smooth experience. Users can custom design the animation curve of the scroll as per their preference by previewing the plotted curve on the options page. It even boasts a bouncy edge feature, further enhancing the user experience.

This Chrome extension is a port of a popular Firefox add-on, Yet Another Smooth Scrolling. So, if you found this extension useful and you happen to use Firefox, you should definitely give YASS a try!

What Users are Saying

Based on user reviews, the extension has been rated highly for its smooth scrolling feature and customizability options. One user commends, "아주 좋습니다. 버그도 없습니다." translating to "Very good. There are no bugs."

However, every good extension isn't without its flaws. Some users raised issues with the scrolling feature, stating it stopped working on certain pages. One user said, "Stops scrolling from working on some pages since some time. Can not scroll at all on google images and youtube shorts. Disabled until fixed." This clearly shows there's room for improvement in this regard.


Despite the minor setbacks, this Chrome productivity app has proven itself to be a substantial productivity booster. This extension not only helps organize your daily life, but it also enhances your browsing experience, making it a must-have tool for business productivity.

So, if you're in search of productivity boosters or a way to organize your daily schedule, this chrome extension is worth serious consideration. With its high rating and positive user reviews, it's clear that this extension adds substantial value to its users' browsing experience.


Whether it's for social media productivity, email productivity, or just general business productivity, the right Chrome extensions can make a world of a difference. Keep in mind that no tool is perfect, and the key is to find one that best fits your needs and preferences. This particular extension has proven to be an effective tool for many, and it might just be the productivity enhancement tool you've been looking for.

Enhances scrolling on http and ftp pages.

Allows customization of scroll animation curve.

Includes a bouncy edge feature.

Is a port of the popular Firefox add-on.

Perfect for users who prefer YASS on Firefox.

May not work well with all websites.

Requires adjustment of settings for optimal use.

Not available for all browser types.

Could interfere with site-specific scrolling features.

Potential compatibility issues with other extensions.

2294 reviews
11 Reviews For This Extension

Works as expected, have all customization you ever need for mouse scrolling: smooth/not smooth scroll, how many multiple lines, and plus feature like bouncy edges on/off similar to what you have in smart phones. Amazing work! Thank you so much for making this extension.

cigam 005

Works as expected, have all customization you ever need for mouse scrolling: smooth/not smooth scroll, how many multiple lines, and plus feature like bouncy edges on/off similar to what you have in smart phones. Amazing work! Thank you so much for making this extension.

Jeffrey P. Sinclair

Excellent work! Extensive customization. Works exceedingly well.


Works very well!

Allen Chen

generally performs nicely. much better than another competing extension called "SmoothScroll" ... BUT one thing REALLY ANNOYING is that when you already built up the acceleration in one direction and you suddenly scroll back the other direction, THE ACCELERATION DOESN'T STOP Meaning that the sudden stop you tried to perform WILL NOT actually break the momentum for scrolling past your intended target That is unnatural and goes against an obvious sceneario that the user surely encounter Having an acceleration without breaks is just trading one problem of tediously slow scrolling with another of uncontrolable chaos Although fortunately with the way of my setup the problem isn't that exaggerated *****BUT I do think a change in scroll direction to execute a brake in acceleration is a VERY crucial function for this type of tool***** I really wish the dev can see this and implement a fix

Melanto Nino

Very good! The extension now works again after its update from 25.0702023! Thanks a lot

Tecuta Alexandru

Why did the developer update this extension if it used to work wonderfully? Did he know the proverb ”if it ain't broke, don't fix it”? After the last update, it scrolls badly. I tested on 2 of my devices. I managed to downgrade to an older version 2.0.6 that I found on the internet, since the version updated on 19 july 2023 is unusable. To all users who downgrade: after you activate developer mode in Chrome, please load the extension as unpacked or else, it will keep updating itself to the last version, which is unusable.

Piereligio Di Sante

The step size needs to be changed everytime I open chrome, otherwise the steps will be huge for my acceleration curve. The other settings seem that keep applied how they are. Also, it misses one thing: exclusion for touchpad, I'd like to have the original scrolling with the touchpad. Possibly keeping the bouncy overscroll

Martin Ždila

I use it for years in Chrome and Vivaldi (on Linux). A must have extension! I only found one page where it causes a problem in a "support chat" window where I can't type spaces because spacebar scrolls the main page.

Gia Khánh Trần

Cant open the extension setting


Very difficult to tune up, buggy bouncing feature, but the worst is --> space button on keyboard misbehave on some video streaming sites, it should pause/play, but it scrolls down like Page down. Because of this I uninstalled.

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